

every single day, i make a promise to myself that i would stop having a pan of coffee and a pack of cigs for my breakfast. and every single day, i fail to actually do that. then i complain for the rest of the day how my stomach aches, how sick i feel and how i have no appetite although i'm so hungry i feel like i'm passing out. well no wonder why, idiot. and here i am, drinking too much coffee again. some people never learn huh?

when i woke up this morning (and a pretty weird awakening it was...) i decided to do something really useful and interesting today. instead, i turned on my computer and started reading blogs and other random stuff on the web, and that was what? 4 hours ago and i'm still sitting here and have gained absolutely nothing from this. except for the stomachache, and a pleasant little headache to go with it. but as of tomorrow, (i'm getting my sewing machine back) i'm going to do nothing but sew sew and sew. and hopefully it will help me get the inspiration i've been looking for.

and talking about inspirations... for a long time, i've been wanting to do a post on my top 15 most inspirational people. people that have encouraged me to do my own thing and be who i am, just by doing their own thing. so i think i'm finally going to start working on that, i guess that's enough of useful and interesting for today?